Saturday, March 28, 2020

From Hopelessness to HOPE!

I sat staring out of the window in a daze for quite some time trying to remember the last time I was in a place like this-hopelessness.  It was some time ago and I hated that feeling that had crept back on me. As I sat staring, all the memories attached to the place of hopelessness came in like a flood.  I couldn't breathe at times because I felt like I was drowning.  What had I done to put myself in this position? How did I allow this to happen to me? Was it from committing some unforgivable act? I felt abandonment, rejection, fear, tiredness, empty, hurt and confusion.....  That was my life many years ago.  But today I am in such a better space in my mind, feelings, and how I see things.  
But if I could just erase all of the negative and see the positive I would be okay.  Everything would return to normal and I could go on and pick up where I left off.  I had to change my mindset! We have two mindsets- Fixed or Growth Mindset.  A fixed mindset will tell you that your talents, gifts, and abilities can't change.  But a Growth Mindset tells you that all within you has hope, can win, and you are worthy!
Imagine that you live in a place that has battled a long drought. Everywhere you look, the soil is cracked, dusty and lifeless. It is like it never rained there. It might seem like crops or trees would never grow again. But, if you have lived very long, you know that even the longest drought can be broken by rainfall.
In life, we can feel like that dry, cracked soil.  Everything goes wrong; we face a long, dry season, hoping to experience something that brings hope and joy.  But you can move from hopelessness to joy!
During this time right now in 2020 someone needs to know that hope exists.  They need to know that this too will pass and they will come out triumphantly! On the horizon is better days, good times, hold fast to your dreams, be encouraged, and never lose hope! Nelson Mandela once said, "May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears."  Through the eyes of hope, you can change things, your situation, and yourself.  How you view yourself is equally important as well. Do you see yourself advancing, winning, getting the career, starting the business, in a loving relationship, and whatever else you desire?
My Growth Mindset sees hope, joy, and peace coming back in my life and taking up permanent residency. Sure you will experience difficulties in life but it how you react to them that makes the difference.  I was laid off from my job when I returned from vacation last week.  Now I could have thrown a pity party but I chose to make the best of this time and build me, my businesses and enjoy life!  I looked at my situation with the eyes of hope! 
Perhaps you have lied to yourself and said that you can go on with things the way they are now, but inside, you know that something must change.  Maybe you placed your hope on someone and were disappointed.  Sometimes, we can be fooled by things that appear real but really rob us of joy and hope. 
At some point, you will discover that false hope has made your life dry and difficult.  You may want to give up.  You may feel that there is no way forward and that you will die in that dry place of hopelessness.
I encourage you to change your mindset, get up, look up, and know that there is hope for any and every situation that you are facing. Hopelessness is not the final answer to your situation! Put on a pair of fresh lenses and see your situation victorious, bills paid in full, leaving negativity behind, separating from things/people that don't add value to your life, and knowing that there is HOPE.
Namaste Butterflies.

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